CLASS REUNION: A Paranormal Tale.
The story …
Simon Hall went to his class reunion to catch up with his first sweetheart, his best friend, and anyone else who might remember him. On the night, no one except Simon got to talk with Edward Bitter, the social outcast, the class pariah. That’s because Bitter is dead — he was killed several years earlier. Nobody warned Simon he was talking to a spectre. Why would a ghost come to a class reunion? What dreadful secrets are the classmates keeping? Should Simon be scared after this one strange encounter with the paranormal? Edward Bitter’s unhappy spirit certainly has an axe to grind with the class of 2001. Not just Simon, but everyone should be very frightened indeed. No one liked Bitter when he was alive. Bitter is even more unpleasant now that he’s dead.
Author’s Introduction.
Over a year ago I was approached through my website and asked if I would be interested in attending a class reunion. I know a lot of people are into these kinds of things — my wife has kept in touch with some of her high school friends for decades. But while I’m honoured to have many life-long friends, none of them come from my school days, which involved a lot of moving around the country and not really staying in one place for very long.
This particular class was during what we call in Australia “primary” school — meaning I was all of about ten years old and it was over forty years ago. It seemed a little odd to attend an event where the only thing we had in common was a classroom over four decades earlier. Otherwise, we’d all be complete strangers. I politely declined the invitation.
But it did get me thinking about class reunions and the potential, scary stories for a writer like me. A horror writer, right?
So it occured to me, what if you found yourself at one of these reunions and having a perhaps slightly strange or uncomfortable conversation with one of the other guests, only to be told sometime later that the person you spoke to was dead? And had been dead for several years?
Why would a ghost come to a class reunion? Would it be angry? Maybe sad? Would it be dangerous?
Would it be frightening?
The ghost in my class reunion certainly has an axe to grind with his former classmates. They’ve got every reason to be very frightened.