Tag Archives: Australian horror
My Latest Book is Released

One of the good things about being a long-established author these days is that several manuscripts that in the past never saw the book store bookshelves can be self-published instead. We’ve all got ’em. Plenty of manuscripts – not just mine – are rejected by publishers, because they don’t fit a certain criteria or their “list”. It’s not about whether the book is good enough or not.

I always had a lot of faith in The Mirror Of Madness and it bugged me no one saw its potential. So I’m really glad of the opportunity to publish it for myself. Of course, it needed a good editing spit-and-polish, then I had to design the cover. This is the end result. I’m calling it a paranormal fantasy, but it’s also all about modern witchcraft.

Here’s the Amazon US link http://www.amazon.com/Mirror-Madness-Story-Modern-Witchcraft-ebook/dp/B00QVFWNM6/ref=asap_B0058SQWQ0?ie=UTF8

Mirror Cover High Res

Top Billing at iBooks!

iBooks pic


Mark at Momentum sent this screen grab of my books’ Halloween promotion being featured on iBooks. Brilliant! Fantastic to be on the iBooks headline flappy-turn-over thing on the main page. It’s going to be really interesting to see what sort of results this kind of promotion achieves. Not sure just how long the special 99 cent pricing will stay available (normally they’re $4.99) so if you’re interested, get in now. It’s not just iBooks by the way. Amazon and other online book stores are running the promotion, too.

Huge thanks to the crew at Momentum for putting this together.